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Christmas gifts 2021: buy your favorites from Zema

Le strade della città si illuminano con le luci del periodo più bello dell’anno... il Natale!

The streets of the city light up with the lights of the most beautiful time of the year ... Christmas! And the windows of our shops are filled with gift ideas for every taste and need, as per tradition. If you too are looking for useful, beautiful and quality Christmas gifts, today we offer you a series of gadgets that will make anyone who finds them under his tree go crazy with joy.

Where to buy your Christmas gifts in Bari? Discover Zema products!

All’interno dei nostri negozi abbiamo una vastissima esposizione di idee regalo per ogni occasione... anche quella natalizia! Tra le novità più apprezzate di questo ultimo anno spiccano le nostre clessidre: tutte in vetro, con finissima sabbia colorata e ampolle di diverse misure. Le clessidre sono il simbolo del tempo ma anche dei legami importanti... quale gadget migliore per un regalo di design ad una persona importante?

Within our stores we have a huge display of gift ideas for every occasion ... even the Christmas one! Among the most popular novelties of this last year, our hourglasses stand out: all in glass, with fine colored sand and ampoules of different sizes. Hourglasses are the symbol of time but also of important ties ... what better gadget for a design gift to an important person?

E per i più avventurosi? E’ sempre tempo di viaggiare, anche solo con la mente! Da Zema troverai un grande assortimenti di mappamondi adatti a ogni uso ed esigenza. Da quelli puramente ornamentali (disponibili anche in formato fermacarte da scrivania) a quelli didattici, completi di cartine e decorazioni a colori, anche retroilluminati con luce led.

And for the more adventurous? It is always time to travel, even if only with the mind! At Zema you will find a large assortment of globes suitable for every use and need. From purely ornamental ones (also available in desk paperweight format) to educational ones, complete with maps and color decorations, also backlit with LED light.

Tra i gadget più richiesti durante il periodo natalizio ci sono sicuramente gli speaker bluetooth: piccoli (anche tascabili!), robusti e colorati sono il regalo ideale per chi ama la musica e ama avere i suoi rani preferiti sempre con sé.

Among the most requested gadgets during the Christmas period there are certainly the bluetooth speakers: small (even pocket-sized!), Robust and colorful, they are the ideal gift for those who love music and love to have their favorite frogs always with them.

At Zema you will also find a wide range of furniture items for the home, study and office. Among our latest arrivals, the decorative desk statues with various subjects stand out, from Hippocrates to the Goddess of Justice. All finely treated in detail to make your every environment unique.

Tra i nostri ultimi arrivi, primeggiano le statue decorative da scrivania con vari soggetti, da Ippocrate alla Dea della Giustizia. Tutte finemente curate nei dettagli per rendere unico ogni tuo ambiente.

Do you prefer a gift that can be useful in everyday life? For those who are always on the road for work or study, safety is everything! This is why we have chosen a selection of anti-shoplifting backpacks (including convertible ones) made to ensure maximum comfort, usability and protection for everything that is important, from PCs to documents.

Within our physical stores and our online shop, you can find the ideal Christmas gift for every desire, from the classic to the more contemporary.

Come and visit us in the shop or visit to browse our online catalog and receive your orders from the comfort of your home.


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